Luke Is NOT A Historian
by Godless Engineer | July 14, 2021 | Bible Study, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
Many Christian New Testament scholars and apologists claim that Luke is a historian who did his homework on the historical nature of the Gospels. They claim that in accordance with ancient historical standards, he presented an accurate account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection but this notion couldn’t be farther from the truth. A simple examination of Luke compared to legitimate historical accounts shows that Luke was not recording history but reinforcing the Christian faith.
6 Reasons You SHOULDN’T Believe In Jesus
by Godless Engineer | March 29, 2021 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism, Resurrection | 0 Comments
Today, Kyle Butt is going to educate us on why we should all believe in Jesus. I know some of you may be thinking that because I’m a mythicist I’m going to say that no one should believe in Jesus because he didn’t exist. I would never say that to someone. The subject of Jesus’ historicity shouldn’t prevent someone from believing in Jesus. I mean y’all already believe a magic man in the sky controls your lives. A Jew dying and rising in the lower heavens really isn’t that big of a deal.
Regardless, I’m very interested in finding out why I should believe in Jesus.
Does Beauty Prove God Exists?
by Godless Engineer | February 10, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
Is Religion Necessary For Society?
by Godless Engineer | July 31, 2020 | Atheism, Science | 0 Comments
If religion is necessary for society, we should see less religious societies having a lower quality of life in various areas like poverty, violent crime, infant mortality, and corruption. If religion is necessary for individual well-being, we should see people who are more religious having an overall better quality of life.
Matthew Couldn’t Have Fabricated A Zombie Attack
by Godless Engineer | February 17, 2020 | Christianity, Resurrection | 3 Comments
Matthew records a Zombie attack in Ch. 27 of his Gospel. Of course, the actual Matthew didn’t write this nor did he see zombies in the first century.
Gary Habermas Has Bad Evidence For A Historical Jesus
by Godless Engineer | November 13, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 4 Comments
Gary Habermas cites imaginary independent sources and fabricates eyewitnesses to prove his historical Jesus and destroy Mythicism
Was Luke-Acts Actually Written By Luke Using Eyewitnesses?
by Godless Engineer | November 4, 2019 | Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
No, Luke-Acts was not written by Paul’s travelling companion Luke. The author used Josephus, Homer, and the Septuagint among other sources to create his narrative.
Elijah Becomes A Firebender
by Godless Engineer | October 30, 2019 | 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Elijah is asked to come talk to a King but he uses his firebending skills to kill them all until they submitted to God. Elijah killed 102 men.
Bible Flock Box is Hypocritical About Halloween
by Godless Engineer | October 29, 2019 | Christianity, Halloween | 0 Comments
Halloween is not a pagan holiday and the reason why Christians shouldn’t celebrate it are hypocritical and ridiculous. It’s ok to celebrate Halloween.
Atheist Answers Ray Comforts Million-Dollar Question
by Godless Engineer | October 23, 2019 | Atheism, Christianity | 1 Comment
Ray Comfort thinks that people don’t know about Jesus and that more people should be exposed to Jesus.
Luke Is NOT A Historian
by Godless Engineer | July 14, 2021 | Bible Study, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
Many Christian New Testament scholars and apologists claim that Luke is a historian who did his homework on the historical nature of the Gospels. They claim that in accordance with ancient historical standards, he presented an accurate account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection but this notion couldn’t be farther from the truth. A simple examination of Luke compared to legitimate historical accounts shows that Luke was not recording history but reinforcing the Christian faith.
6 Reasons You SHOULDN’T Believe In Jesus
by Godless Engineer | March 29, 2021 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism, Resurrection | 0 Comments
Today, Kyle Butt is going to educate us on why we should all believe in Jesus. I know some of you may be thinking that because I’m a mythicist I’m going to say that no one should believe in Jesus because he didn’t exist. I would never say that to someone. The subject of Jesus’ historicity shouldn’t prevent someone from believing in Jesus. I mean y’all already believe a magic man in the sky controls your lives. A Jew dying and rising in the lower heavens really isn’t that big of a deal.
Regardless, I’m very interested in finding out why I should believe in Jesus.
Gary Habermas Has Bad Evidence For A Historical Jesus
by Godless Engineer | November 13, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 4 Comments
Gary Habermas cites imaginary independent sources and fabricates eyewitnesses to prove his historical Jesus and destroy Mythicism
Was Luke-Acts Actually Written By Luke Using Eyewitnesses?
by Godless Engineer | November 4, 2019 | Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
No, Luke-Acts was not written by Paul’s travelling companion Luke. The author used Josephus, Homer, and the Septuagint among other sources to create his narrative.
4 Sources That DON’T Prove Jesus Existed
by Godless Engineer | October 22, 2019 | Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
These 4 sources don’t prove that jesus existed because they either don’t reference Jesus or are stating Christian beliefs.
Is There Extra-Biblical Proof For The Exodus?
by Godless Engineer | October 16, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
No. There is no extra-biblical proof for the Exodus account. The two proofs that are brought up here fail to substantiate anything in Exodus.
Did Early Church Fathers Verify Anything?
by Godless Engineer | October 10, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
No, the early church fathers never verified any claims contained in their theology. They had no interest in doing any fact checking.
Is Evidence For Jesus Better Than Evidence For Julius Caesar
by Godless Engineer | October 7, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
The evidence for Jesus and Julius Caesar are not even comparable. Julius Caesar has eyewitness accounts. Jesus Doesn’t even have that.
Frank Turek Is Wrong About Biblical Reliability
by Godless Engineer | September 13, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 3 Comments
Frank Turek gets a number of things wrong in his response about biblical reliability. He erroneously claims several “facts” about biblical history.
Does Pliny The Younger Prove Jesus Existed?
by Godless Engineer | September 12, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 2 Comments
Pliny the Younger doesn’t prove that Jesus existed. The most he does is affirm the beliefs of Christians as they are in the early second century.
Comments Of The Day
Gravity Is Fake Pseudoscientific Nonsense
by Godless Engineer | October 17, 2019 | Comments, Monthly Comments Vote | 0 Comments
No, Gravity isn’t fake or pseudoscience. Flat Earth idiots will say and do anything to try to prove their position. Even though it’s fruitless.
This Guy Really Doesn’t Like Female Preachers …
by Godless Engineer | September 11, 2019 | Comments, Monthly Comments Vote | 0 Comments
Female Preachers have been a contentious topic in religious communities. This stems from forged entries in Paul’s name meant to insert more misogyny.
Mark Sargent And Behind The Curve Are Controlled Opposition
by Godless Engineer | September 5, 2019 | Comments, Community | 0 Comments
Mark Sargent isn’t a shill or controlled opposition. This type of conspiracy-laden thinking will never allow you to get to the truth of anything.
Climate Change Denier Claims Wind Science Is Fake
by Godless Engineer | August 29, 2019 | Climate Change, Comments, Community, Science | 0 Comments
Wind is created through a thermodynamic process where colder air rushes to fill in where air has warmed and risen higher in the atmosphere.
A Parent Thinks Vaccines Harm Children
by Godless Engineer | August 22, 2019 | Comments, Monthly Comments Vote, Science, Vaccines | 0 Comments
Parents that think vaccines harm their child are buying into conspiracy laden bunk pseudoscience. Here’s some good info on what vaccines actually do.
Human Skin Proves The Sun Doesn’t Exist
by Godless Engineer | August 21, 2019 | Comments, Science | 0 Comments
Human skin produces vitamin D due to sunlight and bonfires don’t give you a tan so therefore the Sun doesn’t exist. Obviously this is completely wrong.
All Biblical Prophecies Are Coming True, SO REPENT
by Godless Engineer | August 14, 2019 | Comments | 0 Comments
Biblical Prophecies are always going to be bunk because of their vague nature. They are applicable at just about any point in time.
“Biologist” claim that evolution isn’t based in reality
by Godless Engineer | August 7, 2019 | Comments, Science | 0 Comments
a “biologist” said that evolution isn’t based in reality. He also claimed that only intelligence and information comes from intelligence.
Aliens Are Demons and Sabertooth Tigers are Mastodons
by Godless Engineer | July 31, 2019 | Comments, Monthly Comments Vote | 0 Comments
Proof Oil Is Not A Fossil Fuel EXPOSED
by Godless Engineer | May 14, 2018 | Comments, Community, Science | 0 Comments
Daily Bible Podcast
Luke Is NOT A Historian
by Godless Engineer | July 14, 2021 | Bible Study, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism | 0 Comments
Many Christian New Testament scholars and apologists claim that Luke is a historian who did his homework on the historical nature of the Gospels. They claim that in accordance with ancient historical standards, he presented an accurate account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection but this notion couldn’t be farther from the truth. A simple examination of Luke compared to legitimate historical accounts shows that Luke was not recording history but reinforcing the Christian faith.
Elijah Becomes A Firebender
by Godless Engineer | October 30, 2019 | 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Elijah is asked to come talk to a King but he uses his firebending skills to kill them all until they submitted to God. Elijah killed 102 men.
Jesus Tea Bags Sense Into Elijah
by Godless Engineer | October 8, 2019 | 1 Kings, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Jesus visits Elijah to guide him and take notes on what he does. Elijah resurrects a dead son, produces food from nothing, and kills a lot of people.
1000 Reasons Why Solomon Goes Limp and Flaccid
by Godless Engineer | September 3, 2019 | 1 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Solomon has found himself in a bad spot. He has 700 wives and 300 concubines. That doesn’t bother god though. It’s the worshiping other gods that he cares about.
Queen Of Sheba Approves Of Solomon’s Rod
by Godless Engineer | August 27, 2019 | 1 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 1 Comment
The Queen of Sheba hears that Solomon is gay and decides to un-gay him by riding that rod.
Solomon’s Weird Temple Dedication
by Godless Engineer | August 13, 2019 | 1 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Solomon does a weird temple dedication for God and God gets a little weird at it too. Solomon also kills a lot of animals to move the ark.
Is God All-Powerful In The Bible?
by Godless Engineer | July 29, 2019 | Atheism, Bible Study | 0 Comments
The Bible has a lot of contradictions contained within the varied theology that it tries to convey to its readers. One of those contradictions is whether God is all-powerful or if he can easily be defeated. At one point, God is undeniably all powerful and with god anything is possible.
God’s Laws And Punishments about Obedience
by Godless Engineer | July 31, 2018 | Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Priests Harlot Daughters and Grooming Rules
by Godless Engineer | May 22, 2018 | Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Why Don’t Jews Have To Keep Sacrificing Animals?
by Godless Engineer | May 1, 2018 | Daily Bible Podcast | 0 Comments
Is Religion Necessary For Society?
by Godless Engineer | July 31, 2020 | Atheism, Science | 0 Comments
If religion is necessary for society, we should see less religious societies having a lower quality of life in various areas like poverty, violent crime, infant mortality, and corruption. If religion is necessary for individual well-being, we should see people who are more religious having an overall better quality of life.
Apologist Claims Scientists Shouldn’t Answer Questions
by Godless Engineer | September 30, 2019 | Evolution, Science | 0 Comments
No, scientists shouldn’t be controlled by religion and science can definitely answer questions that religion attempts to answer.
Atheists Are Lying To Everyone and Causing Divorces
by Godless Engineer | September 24, 2019 | Atheism, Christianity, Evolution, Science | 0 Comments
Atheists are not lying to anyone let alone themselves. Atheists most certainly aren’t the cause of divorces. These are fallacious apologist talking points.
Frank Turek Doesn’t Actually Understand Science…
by Godless Engineer | September 23, 2019 | Evolution, Science | 0 Comments
Frank Turek shows that he doesn’t understand science or the scientific method. He complains that scientists accept evolution as well as rejecting miracles.
Intelligent Design Has No Explanatory Power At All!
by Godless Engineer | September 20, 2019 | Evolution, Science | 0 Comments
Intelligent Design cannot be an explanation for anything because it lacks the explanatory power to describe our reality.
Climate Change Denier Claims Wind Science Is Fake
by Godless Engineer | August 29, 2019 | Climate Change, Comments, Community, Science | 0 Comments
Wind is created through a thermodynamic process where colder air rushes to fill in where air has warmed and risen higher in the atmosphere.
A Parent Thinks Vaccines Harm Children
by Godless Engineer | August 22, 2019 | Comments, Monthly Comments Vote, Science, Vaccines | 0 Comments
Parents that think vaccines harm their child are buying into conspiracy laden bunk pseudoscience. Here’s some good info on what vaccines actually do.
Human Skin Proves The Sun Doesn’t Exist
by Godless Engineer | August 21, 2019 | Comments, Science | 0 Comments
Human skin produces vitamin D due to sunlight and bonfires don’t give you a tan so therefore the Sun doesn’t exist. Obviously this is completely wrong.
Clear Energy Alliance Lies About Climate Change Consensus
by Godless Engineer | August 19, 2019 | Climate Change, Science | 0 Comments
Clear Energy Alliance distorts the consensus on Climate Change in order to push a fossil-fuel narrative against environmentalism and renewable energy sources.
Nathan Thompsons Best Proof For A Flat Earth
by Godless Engineer | August 16, 2019 | Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
Nathan Thompson thinks the best proof for a flat earth is the fact that water is flat at rest. This is not indicative of a flat earth, but it is indicative of gravity.
Flat Earth
Nathan Thompsons Best Proof For A Flat Earth
by Godless Engineer | August 16, 2019 | Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
Nathan Thompson thinks the best proof for a flat earth is the fact that water is flat at rest. This is not indicative of a flat earth, but it is indicative of gravity.
5 Reasons Why Mountains & Volcanos Do Not Exist
by Godless Engineer | August 9, 2019 | Conspiracy, Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
Volcanoes do not exist because of Directed Energy Weapons, Waste Piles, CGI, and Disney CGI…It always includes Disney.
Flat Earther Thinks These Questions Prove A Local Sun
by Godless Engineer | August 1, 2019 | Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
Seasons are caused by the axial tilt of the earth. The sun’s rays hit the earth at a specific angle and that angle determines how hot that portion of the earth gets. This guy doesn’t understand how seasons work
Flat Earther Thinks He Disproved Earth’s Rotation
by Godless Engineer | July 30, 2019 | Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
Atheists Always Deny Truth And Reality That The Earth Is Flat
by Godless Engineer | June 14, 2018 | Atheism, Conspiracy, Flat Earth | 0 Comments
Flat Earther Explains Why Gravity Isn’t Real
by Godless Engineer | June 11, 2018 | Flat Earth | 0 Comments
D. Marble Explains Why The Sun Proves The Flat Earth
by Godless Engineer | May 25, 2018 | Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
RichieFromBoston Proves Chemtrails Are Real and The Moon Is Close To Us
by Godless Engineer | May 17, 2018 | Conspiracy, Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
Responding to DelanoTV’s flat earth proof
by Godless Engineer | April 30, 2018 | Conspiracy, Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
Is There Constant Speed Of Light On The Flat Earth?
by Godless Engineer | April 25, 2018 | Comments, Community, Flat Earth, Science | 0 Comments
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