by Godless Engineer | Nov 13, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Gary Habermas Is Bad At History Today we are looking at Gary Habermas and his bad evidence for a historical Jesus. In this video, they claim to be giving a good argument to shut down a mythicist. Habermas doesn’t actually give any good evidence against minimal...
by Godless Engineer | Nov 4, 2019 | Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Luke-Acts Wasn’t Written By Luke Today we are taking a look at a section of my debate with Jonathan McLatchie. We are examining whether Luke-Acts was written by an Eyewitness to Jesus or written within the lifetime of Eyewitnesses. McLatchie is convinced that...
by Godless Engineer | Oct 30, 2019 | 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast
Elijah, The Firebender A lot of things happen today in the Daily Bible, A surprised Fonzi sends 102 men to escort Elijah back to his palace and Elijah becomes a Firebender to attack them. Before all that though, Ahab kicked the bucket during a battle which he was told...
by Godless Engineer | Oct 29, 2019 | Christianity, Halloween
Christians Should Celebrate Halloween Today we are taking a look at Bible Flock Box, aka Greg, and his hypocritical reasons for why Christians shouldn’t be celebrating Halloween. He’s only got bad reasons for why Christians shouldn’t celebrate...
by Godless Engineer | Oct 23, 2019 | Atheism, Christianity
Ray Comfort and Questions So, Ray Comfort apparently has a million-dollar question that he’s lovingly put on these $1M fake bills. I answer his question and react to another supposed atheist who went a different direction and became a Christian all because of...