by Godless Engineer | Oct 9, 2018 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Yes, There is a Birth Contradiction What’s Up Heathens! Today we are looking at Jesus’ Birth Narrative biblical contradiction and explaining why it actually is a problem. General Han Solo tries to explain why there isn’t a contradiction but he...
by Godless Engineer | Aug 3, 2018 | Atheism, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
What’s Up Heathens! We are continuing our discussion with Dr. Richard Carrier about the Chrestus App as whether Christianity requires Jesus to be a historical figure. First, we start off talking about people that emotionally hold onto the belief that Jesus...
by Godless Engineer | Jul 30, 2018 | Atheism, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Dr. Craig is wrong about Jesus What’s Up Heathens! Today we are discussing who did Jesus think he was by Dr. William Lane Craig. He thinks that we can actually know what Jesus actually thought and he uses really bad criteria to say so. First, they ask what did...
by Godless Engineer | Jul 20, 2018 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Jesus probably didn’t exist What’s Up Heathens! Today we are going over why I don’t believe in the historicity of Jesus. I go over all the points which leads me to conclude that was most probably a fictional character made up by first century Jews....
by Godless Engineer | Mar 29, 2018 | Atheism, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
The Last Supper didn’t happen What’s Up Heathens! Today we are discussing the connections between the New Testaments Last Supper and the prophecies of the Old Testament. We also cover Jesus entering the city of Jerusalem and how that never happened as...
by Godless Engineer | Mar 5, 2018 | Atheism, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Logical Fallacies, Mythicism
Classrooms Shouldn’t Be Hostile What’s Up Heathens! Today we are going to be covering another college classroom video with another teacher attacking Christians because they always need to be persecuted. I understand why though because their book tells them...