by Godless Engineer | Aug 27, 2019 | 1 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast
Queen of Sheba Inspects Solomon Today in the Daily Bible, we have the Queen of Sheba visiting Solomon to assess his rod. The Queen of Sheba thinks a lot of herself and is amazed by Solomon’s “wisdom.” I’m fairly certain they ended up fucking....
by Godless Engineer | Aug 26, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism, Resurrection
Ressurection Proof? Today, there are supposedly 4 facts that prove that Jesus actually resurrected from the dead. I’m here to show you how they don’t actually attest to a resurrection. They can only attest to what people believed to have happened. He uses...
by Godless Engineer | Aug 17, 2019 | Atheism, Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Biblical History, The Wrong Way Tonight we are taking a look at Shock of God and how shockingly wrong he is about biblical history. Shock is on his trusty bike and he has a list of different things that he says atheists are wrong about. He has the US founders being...
by Godless Engineer | Aug 13, 2019 | 1 Kings, Bible Study, Christianity, Daily Bible Podcast
Solomon Did What??? Today on the Daily Bible Podcast, we are discussing Solomon’s weird dedication of God’s temple that he just built out of pure gold. First of all, he needs to move the ark there, I don’t need to tell you what’s actually in...
by Godless Engineer | Aug 12, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism, Resurrection
Historical Proof of Zombie Jesus? Today we are debunking Lee Strobel’s 4 reasons why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is historical. Strobel has the worst evidence for this nonsense that I’ve heard. Prepare for both an argument from authority and an...
by Godless Engineer | Aug 12, 2019 | Bible Contradictions, Christianity
Adam or Eve? Today we ask who is actually responsible for original sin? This is a confusing question depending on which part of the bible you read. On the one hand you have 1 Timothy 2:14 saying this: and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a...