by Godless Engineer | Apr 19, 2018 | Atheism, Faithless Forum 2018, KC's Corner
Faithless Forum was awesome Hey y’all! Welcome back to KC’s Corner and today we are discussing what we thought about the Faithless Forum that we just organized and hosted in Dallas, TX. Overall it was a great and successful event that we put on with major...
by Godless Engineer | Mar 22, 2018 | Atheism, Christianity, KC's Corner
Atheists aren’t bullies Hi y’all, welcome to KC’s corner. Today we are going to looking at an inflammatory article directed at atheists. The author obviously doesn’t like atheists but he also has a lot of misconceptions about us. Or he could be flat out...
by Godless Engineer | Mar 8, 2018 | Atheism, Christianity, KC's Corner
Religious Products Are Fun Hi y’all! Welcome to KC’s Corner, today I thought we could have some fun and go through some of the funnier religious products on the market. We visit products like Christian candies, video games, dashboard trinkets, bandages, and soap! So...
by Godless Engineer | Mar 1, 2018 | Atheism, KC's Corner, Mythicism
Creation Myths Are Fun Hi y’all! Welcome to KC’s Corner! Today we are going to talk about some different and pretty insane creation myths. Specifically Norse, Romanian, and African Myths are what we are going to be covering today. First, let’s talk about what we DO...
by Godless Engineer | Feb 15, 2018 | Atheism, KC's Corner
History is a fun subject Hi y’all! Welcome to KC’s Corner! Today we are going to talk about some of the history behind Mardi Gras (also known as Shrove Tuesday), Ash Wednesday, and Lent. First up, let’s get into Mardi Gras. I’m not really going to spend a lot of time...
by Godless Engineer | Feb 8, 2018 | Atheism, Christianity, KC's Corner, Science
Unsanitary Practices Are Bad Hi, Y’all! Welcome to KC’s Corner. Today I’m going to tell you a personal story about an experience I had while growing up Catholic. Then we’ll talk about a few different unsanitary religious practices that unnecessarily put the...