by Godless Engineer | Oct 4, 2019 | Atheism, Community, Interviews
Atom Grew Up a Young Earth Creationist Today we are finding out how AtomTheAtheist deconverted from young-earth creationism. He was brought up in a very religious home and was homeschooled. The non-denominational church he went to was a bit crazy. They had Holy...
by Godless Engineer | Sep 9, 2019 | Atheism, Christianity, Community
Braxton Hunter Doesn’t Understand Atheists Today, Braxton Hunter tells us that atheists are just lying to themselves. We lie to ourselves about the existence of God because God has obviously already made his existence known to us. The main argument for this view...
by Godless Engineer | Sep 5, 2019 | Comments, Community
Mark Sargent is a Shill? Today in the Comments, we have someone that is claiming that both Mark Sargent and Behind the Curve to be controlled opposition. If you didn’t know there is a giant rift in the flat earth community between several groups. This is caused...
by Godless Engineer | Aug 29, 2019 | Climate Change, Comments, Community, Science
Wind Science is Fake? This week in the comments, a climate change denier seems to claim that “wind science” is fake. I’m not sure what they mean by “wind science” but they don’t think that thermodynamics works in the case of wind....
by Godless Engineer | Aug 23, 2019 | Atheism, Community
Atheists Have No Purpose? Today we are responding to Shock Of God calling me out in a video. He claims that I have no purpose in my life and that nothing I do even matters. We are going to analyze these two particular claims as well as address his insults....
by Kaitlyn Chloe | Jun 7, 2019 | Community, LGBT
Today I saw an article published by the American Humanist Association’s social justice coordinator Rachel Deitch, titled How (and How Not) to Attend Pride Events as an Ally and I’d like to respond point by point to it because to be honest the whole thing seems...