by Godless Engineer | Oct 10, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Early Church Fathers Didn’t Do Any Verification A common claim is that the early Church Fathers verified the historical claims of their faith. That’s why there is no substantial written evidence for what the Gospels and other books of the Bible. This is...
by Godless Engineer | Oct 7, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
The Evidence For Julius Caesar Is Better Today we are comparing the evidence for Julius Caesar to the evidence for Jesus. The two are not even comparable to the evidence for Julius Caesar because it is vastly superior. Julius Caesar has eyewitness accounts of him...
by Godless Engineer | Sep 13, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Frank Turek Cherry Picks History Today we are going to take a look at Frank Turek being wrong about biblical reliability. First, I have to start off agreeing with Frank on when the Bible was composed. It was not composed in the 4th century but was most likely bundled...
by Godless Engineer | Sep 12, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
Pliny the Younger Doesn’t Prove Jesus Existed Today we are going to talk about whether or not Pliny the Younger is independent evidence that Jesus actually existed. We will look at who Pliny was, what he said, and why he doesn’t actually count as historical...
by Godless Engineer | Sep 2, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
No Evidence for the Resurrection Of Jesus Today we are going to be discussing the fact that there is no real evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. In this short video, the narrator goes through Gary Habermas’s 6 minimal facts, which previously was 12 minimal...
by Godless Engineer | Aug 28, 2019 | Christianity, Did Jesus Exist, Mythicism
No, Mara bar Serapion Isn’t Proof of Jesus Today we are going to discuss why Mara Bar Serapion is bad evidence for a historical Christ . What exactly did Serapion say? When did he say it? Was he possibly influenced by Christian sources or is he truly...