Ex-Mormon’s know the best stuff
What’s Up Heathens! Today we are finishing up Andrews interview as an Ex-Mormon. He gives his best advice to young Mormons that may be questioning their local church. We also talk about the lengths the church will go to cover up church history.
I start out by asking Andrew what would be the best advice he would give to a Mormon that is questioning his/her faith. Andrew basically says to keep questioning and to use your voice in the community. Don’t be afraid to question your local leadership or otherwise. People have been ex-communicated for just saying true things about the church’s history. Andrew also gives his best advice for new atheists.
We kind of get off track talking about crazy Mormon beliefs. I ask him about some of the more fringe beliefs like Big Foot being Esau. Brigham Young believed 1000 yo people lived on the Moon. There is just a crazy amount of ridiculous Mormon Beliefs. Andrew also reveals what belief he thinks is the most dangerous.