Atheists are not Aliens
What’s up Heathens! Today we are doing the comment thing and apparently, we are either aliens, reptilians, or liberals. There is no other explanation like we are just human. We are alien creatures from planet annoying.
First of all, last week you guys commented on the best comment we reviewed and the winner was Jane. Congratulations Jane, you’re our dumbass of the week. This week we start off strong with aliens. Specifically, we are aliens. These aliens are either reptilian or libtards. It’s not a question and it’s not even formed well. He really means that we are 3 things: Aliens, Reptilians, or Libtards. Regardless of how I feel about the last one, the other two are just plain ridiculous. Monstor Lopez is back for more. Today he espouses that he loves fucking Mormons in Utah. Again, commas and other punctuation would be a good thing to employ. He does neither, thus we have “I live in Utah and fuck Mormons.”
Now we do have a good question from John Murphy. He wants to know how flatties will explain the movement of the sun and moon. Basically, they think the sun and moon are closer to us than they actually are. They are not as big as we know them to be or they are flat out not really there. If the flattie is a biblical flat-earth proponent, they will think that both objects live in the waters of the firmament. I don’t know how they explain the force behind the movement. They think it just moves.