Secular Rescue Charity Stream
Today I’m helping GM Skeptic raise money for Secular Rescue. Currently, Secular Rescue is matching all funds up to $40K so whatever you donate will be doubled. If you’re wondering what Secular Rescue is about:
Secular Rescue is a program of the Center for Inquiry designed to provide emergency assistance to writers, bloggers, publishers, and activists who face threats due to their beliefs or expressions regarding religion.
There are plenty of secular charities out there and there are also plenty of religious people that say atheists don’t help the needy. We need to show them that is not true. Please watch the Livestream down below and help if you can.
If you can’t donate, then share this blog or the stream out.
I went from having 90 students at my dance studio, to less than 20 when a former employee outed my atheism on Facebook. I was harassed by police officers and have had people threaten to burn my house down with my son in it. We have had to relocate just so I can sleep again. This community has helped me so much. Thank you!